

Weather School Part 3 : Twister or Tornadoes


I'm here to update my blog, I haven't updated it for a while because of that I haven't found something interesting to talk about. So today I will continues my Weather School with something that many thinks is interesting, Twister or more commonly named Tornadoes.

A tornado is a rapidly rotating column of air, which is contact with the ground. This rotationg column needs to have a suiffcient rotating before its called a tornado. If you have a tornado you should have a convective (strong upward winds) storm in the vincinity, either it's hanging from or positioned beneath the base of the cloud. It's the atmospheric pressure who defines how the tornado looks like and the damaging wind is extended outsided the outline of the 'tornado cloud'. Even if we doesn't got any cloud, we still can have a strong wind.

How a tornado really does work is hard to know, but they are still pretty amazing and beutifull. Something interesting is that the updraft in a tornado is many times stronger then the graviation accelration which implis tha we got strong pressure difference vertically.

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Weather School Part 2 : Weather System Part One

In the latest part, I tried to explain how High and Low pressure system works. In this part I will continues on the same path and go deeper into them. A High Pressure system has often nothing interesting to point out, instead we will focus on storms aka a low pressure system. The only interesting with a high pressure system is that is usually cloudless.

Low pressure system can deepen or developed as it continues its path, the mean path is towards the east ( UK to Sweden to Russia) in the northern hemisphere. When the system deepens the winds grow stronger and the clouds gets bigger. In the centre of the system the winds goes upward and clouds forms. Why does the wind go up-wards ? The answer to that question is not easy to explain in layman terms, but I will try: The storm system need to have a mass-balance. When new air moves into the centre, the system needs to send away some to preserve the mass-balance.

A tropical cyclone is also a low pressure system, but is still a little different and I will describe them in the next Weather School

If you wants to know more about low-pressure system, you only need to ask in a comment.

Hope you like it.



Weather School Part One: Pressure

Welcome to my first part of my own little weather school, I will start with something easy like pressure.
Pressure is measure of how much force a object has against a surface. The earth atmosphere has a standard pressure who is 1012 hPa. When a meteorologist are talking about high pressure or High they are talking about a region with a higher pressure then in the rest of the vicinity.

The fact of that high pressure often are connected with a beautiful weather is because of the vertical wind (downward) who create a region who has less clouds then a region with a standard pressure.

A low pressure is often connected with cloudy and rainy weather, this is also because of the vertical wind (upward) who here is contributing to the genesis of clouds.

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