

Kelvin Waves


I'm back again, as you are seeing I'm not really a blogger. But today I decided to write in my blog about a phenomena I'm working with: Kelvin Waves. You have probably not heard about them before, but they are important in the oceans. The Tide is actually linked through Kelvin waves.

To describe these waves, I will use the tide as en example. When tides is getting high, it will disturb the sea-surface, that itself creates this Kelvin Waves. These waves will travel along the coast at the right side in the Northern hemisphere and at the left side in the Southern hemisphere. These waves will also travel along the coast and creates a perturbation we could also call a tide. Because of that ocean basins are big, we rarely are seeing this Kelvin Wave propagating a whole revolution before the tide is turning, if that happened you will getting the both stages of the tide . But you can actually see that at some island that has the right length to do so.

Hope you liked it and please comment about what you are thinking about it.


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